Ah, February - the month where winter still has a firm grip, but spring is sending little love notes in the form of snowdrops and early daffodil shoots. It may feel like the garden is in deep hibernation, but there’s plenty you can do now to set the stage for a flourishing year ahead.

🌷 Plant Now, Thank Yourself Later
Just because the air is crisp doesn’t mean your garden can’t get a head start. Hardy perennials, bare-root roses, and early vegetables like broad beans, onions, and shallots can go in the ground now. It may not look like much at first, but come spring, you’ll be reaping the rewards of your forward-thinking green thumbs.
If you fancy a floral boost, February is also a great time to plant summer-flowering bulbs like lilies and alliums. They’ll stay tucked up underground for now, but when the warmer days roll in, they’ll burst into life!

🌱 Give Your Soil Some TLC
Soil may not be the most glamorous part of gardening, but it’s the foundation of everything. If the ground isn’t frozen solid, grab a spade and work in some well-rotted manure or compost to improve its structure and nutrient content. Think of it as a pre-spring feast for your plants.
While you’re at it, clear out any lingering weeds before they get a chance to set seed - future you will thank you!

✂️ The Power of Pruning
Winter pruning is essential for keeping trees and shrubs in check, and February is the ideal time to shape apple and pear trees, roses, and wisteria before they wake up from their winter slumber. Just remember the golden rule: sharp, clean tools and thoughtful snips!
For hydrangeas, hold off on pruning the old flower heads just yet - they provide a little frost protection for the buds beneath.

🐦 Be Kind to Garden Visitors
February may still be tough for wildlife, so keep bird feeders stocked and water sources ice-free. Birds play a key role in pest control, so keeping them happy now means they’ll help keep unwanted critters at bay later. If you’re feeling extra generous, consider putting up a nest box in time for spring nesting season.

🌼 A Bit of Floral Optimism
It’s not all about groundwork - there are already signs of life! Snowdrops, crocuses, and early daffodils are the first brave bloomers of the year, and spotting them is always a little victory against the winter gloom. If you planted winter pansies or hellebores, they should be adding some welcome colour to your garden, proving that not all flowers wait for spring to put on a show.

🛠️ Fix, Clean & Prep
Use this slower gardening period to tackle those little jobs that always get ignored once the chaos of spring begins.
✅ Clean and sharpen tools
✅ Organise the greenhouse or shed
✅ Check for signs of pests on overwintering plants
✅ Plan your veg patch or flower beds for the coming months
Before you know it, the days will be getting longer, the sun will have a little more warmth, and you’ll be knee-deep in new growth! So, pull on those woolly gloves, embrace the fresh February air, and give your garden a little love. Spring is just around the corner... promise!