Local Businesses
There is something special about the local businesses in your neighbourhood. They give you the comfort of familiarity and keep money circulating in your community, allowing your local economy to thrive.
Use it or lose it
It's a phrase we hear often and it's so true for towns like Harrogate. Enterprises on our doorstep have survived two years of lockdowns, isolation, supply chain disruptions, staff shortages and more, yet continued to support us regardless making sure we still had access to the things we needed.
We're home to wonderful local businesses that are committed to what they do and want to give something back to the communities they serve.
Better service
Whether you visit a store on the High Street or I-Street, our small independent enterprises survive by their reputation and repeat business, which means you get a high standard of service.
Reasons to shop local.
Help the High Street
Support your local economy
Save jobs - and create even more
Great deals
A safer way to shop
Preserving the heart of your community
A better shopping experience
Help the environment
Our business index features outstanding enterprises, on our doorstep.