Three quarters of people who answered a survey have told a Wetherby charity that more dementia services are needed in their area.

The finding forms part of the results of a major annual consultation delivered by Wetherby in Support of the Elderly (WiSE) to find out more about what people of all ages think about services in their community.
WiSE has thanked almost 100 people from across Wetherby and its surrounding villages for having their say via a survey and events, with the results helping the charity to decide how to develop its work and partnerships in the future.
Mark Dobson, Chief Operations Officer at WiSE, said: “We’re very proud of the part we play in supporting older people in Wetherby and its surrounding villages.
“But we always want to learn more about the area and its needs, to help us make plans for how we are going to support local people in the future.
“We’re proud to have recently re-established a memory café in our area- however it’s clear from the consultation exercise we’ve just undertaken that more services for those living with dementia and their carers are needed.”
A very big proportion of respondents reported a positive experience when attending WiSE activities, with several commenting positively on the social interaction and the opportunity to meet friends.
A wider range of exercise classes, book or poetry clubs and special events like this year’s Coronation Party were amongst the other services put forward by respondents.
“It’s evident from the results of this survey that those who responded access a wide range of our services and that these are well valued- despite respondents accessing support from other organisations in our area as well.
“It’s also apparent that people would like us to continue to expand upon the range of events and services we offer, based upon suggestions people have put forward. This is certainly something we’ll consider in the future,” said Mark.
WiSE stepped up in a big way during the cost of living crisis, providing a warm and affordable space for people of all ages through its Welcome Café.
Last year, it was also granted the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service- the highest national honour any charity can receive.
To find out more about the charity and its work, visit